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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Experienced horse handlers can volunteer to be assistants to the therapist. One volunteer will be assigned to work with one veteran and horse team. You will be responsible for safety first, then for assisting the veteran and the horse to work together under the direction of our Clinical Director / Therapist.

Volunteers will be interviewed by phone and/or email as to their suitability and commitment to our program. You will then need to attend one Volunteers Training session for a final interview and training. This will be a fun, informative 3-hour class. At that class you will be asked to commit to our total confidentiality policy for the privacy of our veterans. Please use the VOLUNTEERS contact form or call us to volunteer for a very rewarding experience.

For Volunteers

If you are an experienced horse handler wishing to volunteer, please contact us. Let us know whether to reply to you by email or telephone along with what day and time might be most convenient for you. Thank you.

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HHHvets  Tel:  (615) 522-2836

Thank you for your interest!

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