Heroes and Horses Healing
HHH Vets
A 501(c)(3) Organization
November 17, 2016
On Thursday, November 17th, Heroes and Horses Healing had our first-ever class graduation ceremony. At the client/veterans’ request, family and board members and friends of HHHvets were invited. The turnout was great. Each Veteran had a chance to introduce his rescued horse to his wife and children. Then we had a very moving graduation ceremony, presenting diplomas to the veterans memorializing and thanking each of them for being part of the very first class. The veterans were touched by the ceremony, and all present were touched by their individual, emotional responses.
Hot dogs and all kinds of refreshments were enjoyed by all. Perhaps the most inspirational part of the evening was when the veterans were able to let their children and wives, see, touch and talk to the horses, and to see a little bit of the bond between each man and his rescued horse. Soon, following completion of a few more screenings, dates for the next class will be announced. Also, our first Individual Couples Therapy for graduates and their spouses will begin December 5th. As always, veterans and their families will never pay a nickel for HHHvets services.
See photos below

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